Stony Brook University   MAT 312/AMS 351: Applied Algebra
 ·Course Info
MF 12:50-2:10pm, Physics P116
Section R01: Tu 12:50-1:45pm, SB Union 236
Section R02: W 11:45-12:40pm, Harriman Hall 108
Alexander Retakh
Office: Math Tower 4-108
Office Hours: M 2:30-3:30pm, W 1:00-2:00pm, or by appointment
Yusuf Mustopa
Office Hours: M 3-4pm in Math Tower 2-116, T 4-6pm in Math Learning Center, or by appointment
Numbers, Groups and Codes by J. F. Humphreys & M. Y. Prest, 2nd edition
(On reserve in Math/Physics library)
Midterm 1
Friday, October 13, in-class
Midterm 2
Mid-November, date TBA; in-class
Final Exam
Friday, December 22, 11:00am-1:30pm
Make-up policy:The university policy is that makeup examinations are given only for work missed due to unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control.
Homework is a fundamental part of this course, and you will have to work hard on the assigned problems in order to succeed. Assignments will be announced in class, posted on the web and will be collected in class on Friday of the following week. Late homework will not be accepted.
You are encouraged to do an individual special project or participate in a group special project. These may include learning a topic in algebra not covered in this course, writing a computer program for an algorithm, or doing a historical report on the subject (or person) discussed in this course. A suggested list of topics is available but you may propose a subject yourself. The exact topic and scope of your project will be determined after a consultation with the instructor. You must present the final proposal in writing by October 30. All projects are due on December 4.
Your course grade will be computed as follows: homework 20%, two in-class midterms 25% each, and the final exam 30%. The lowest homework grade will be dropped before calculating the average. Participation in a project may contribute up to extra 10% of your grade. In borderline cases, class participation (both lectures and recitations) will be taken into account.
The Math Learning Center is located in Math Tower S-240A and offers free help to any student requesting it. It also provides a locale for students wishing to form study groups.
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. (Note that we cannot make special arrangements for students with disabilities except for those determined by DSS.) All information on and documentation of a disability condition should be supplied to me in writing at the earliest possible time.