SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 511: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Fall 2016

General Information

Place and time: TuTh 5:30pm-6:50pm, ESS 177.

Professor: Alexander Kirillov, kirillov at, Office: Math 3-112; tel. 632--8289.
Office hours: Tu 4 -5:30 (in office), Th 11:30-1 (Math P143)
Grader: Chandrika Sadanand, chandrika at,
Office hours: Wednesday 10-11 am in the MLC; Friday 4-5pm in Math 2-105.

Textbook:Smith, Eggen, St. Andre, A Transition To Advanced Mathematics, Eighth Edition, Cengage Learning. Available on Amazon. You could also use the 7th edition (which is cheaper on Amazon), but then the homework exercise numbers will not match -- it will be up to you to get the correct homework.

Homework: will be assigned weekly and collected in class on Thursdays. The emphasis of the course is on writing proofs, so please try to write legibly and explain your reasoning clearly and fully. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems with others, but your write-up must be your own work. Suspiciously similar papers won't be graded. Late homework will not be accepted.

Exams: there will be a midterm exam and a final exam

Grading system: your grade for the course will be based on: homework 30%, midterm 30%, final exam 40%.

Make-up policy: Make-up examinations are given only for work missed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the student's control.

Disability Support Services: If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may affect your course work, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS) office: ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, telephone (631) 632-6748/TDD. DSS will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. Arrangements should be made early in the semester (before the first exam) so that your needs can be accommodated. All information and documentation of disability is confidential. Students requiring emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and DSS. For procedures and information, go to the following web site and search Fire safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.

Academic Integrity: Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instance of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at

Critical Incident Management: Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, and/or inhibits students' ability to learn.