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Inside the turtle's shell

We have how to use the turtle package in several ways; now it is time to look at how the package itself is implemented. This was done in several layers. At the highest or outermost layer is the TurtleCmd procedure,5.19which does all the work of interpreting the turtle ``language''. Much of this procedure is implemented in other ``lower level'' procedures, such as Forward and Left, which exist to make the programming of the higher-level routines easier. And these procedures may be implemented using even other lower-level procedures.

Why was it programmed this way? In part, to make it easier to understand and to change. This program is modular, and to write the top-level program we don't need to know all the ins and outs of the lower levels, just what is available and what it does. This sort of thing is very common and useful in programming, and in everyday life as well. For example, to go to the store you might drive a car. But you don't need to know how to build a car to drive it, nor do you need to know how to build a road. You just need to know what it does and how to use it. And the man in the body shop who repairs your windshield (after a rock from the construction site you passed on the way to the store cracks it) doesn't need to know how to manufacture a windshield, he only needs to know where to get the right one for your car and how to install it properly.

Without going into the deepest details, let's pop off the shell of TurtleCmd and see how it works.

  TurtleCmd := proc(cmd::name)
    local c, i;
    for i from 1 to length(cmd) do

Not much to it, is there? The procedure uses the command ClearPage to wipe the slate clean, setting the turtle's position to (0, 0), aiming in the initial direction, and so on. Then, for each character in its command string, it calls DoCommand to perform that command, and finally uses ShowPath to actually render the plot. We won't discuss exactly how ClearPage and ShowPath now (feel free to look at them yourself, of course). But here is DoCommand:

     if   (c=`F`) then
     elif (c=`B`) then
     elif (c=`L`) then
     elif (c=`R`) then
     elif (c=`S`) then
     elif (c=`G`) then
     elif (c=`U`) then
     elif (c=`D`) then
     elif (c=` `) then
        if (not DoUserCommand(c)) then
           WARNING(sprintf("Unknown turtle command   fi;


All this does is look at its argument (a single character), and call the corresponding lower-level routine. For example, DoCommand(`F`) just calls Forward(), which advances the internal position of the turtle ahead one step. Note that there are two commands we haven't used yet, namely U and D, which raise and lower the pen that the turtle holds. For example, the turtle command FUFDF produces two line segments separated by a gap. The line with DoUserCommand will be discussed in the next section; it is a way to allow the user of the turtle package to add his or her own commands.

In the previous paragraph, we refered to the ``internal position of the turtle''-- what did we mean by this? We think of the turtle as having a current position, direction, step size, and so on. Each of these are stored in variables internal to the turtle package and updated by commands such as Back, Shrink, or SetTurtleAngle. A history of the positions of the turtle since the last ClearPage is kept, and when ShowPage is called, they are formatted into an appropriate maple Plot command.


... procedure,5.19
The command AnimateTurtleCmd, which we haven't discussed, is very similar to this, but shows the turtle's path as the curve is traversed.

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Translated from LaTeX by Scott Sutherland