Year Spring Fall Undergrad thesis/research/independent study Undergrad Students in the Summer Workshop High School Students
MAT336 (One section)
MAT336 (Two sections)
Informal math zoom-meetings with Luke W.
No workshop (COVID)

2020 MAT336 (One section) MAT336 (Two sections)
No workshop (COVID)
2019 MAT 336 Two sections MAT 364- Topology and Geometry
Devon Wunsch -  Topology of surfaces
Spencer Jarrad - Visualization of four dimensional polytopes

Yanbing Gu - Explicit maps on surfaces
Ajmain Yamin- Explicit maps on surfaces
Connor Stewart- Explicit maps on surfaces
Jiahao Li - Combinatorial Topology
Julian Michele Closed curves in the Mobius band
Noor Kamal - Topology of surfaces
Jiayong Zhu
Eben Kadile
Mei Rose Connor
Marc Calza
2018 Sabbatical
MAT 364: Topology and geometry

MAT 211: Introduction to Linear Algebra

Qiuling Fan, Closed curves in non-orientable surfaces

Summer@Brown REU

2017 MAT 311 Number Theory

MAT 322 Analysis in several dimensions

Boris Kishinevsky
"Pseudo Anosov Maps on the four punctured sphere"

Jenna Lin "Map coloring in surfaces"

Rafaelle Miceli, ''Patterns in the crossings of curves on surfaces"

Hubbert Puszklewicz Counting Symmetric Closed Curves On the Sphere With Three Disks Removed (presented at YMC 18)  REU project

Moshe Stein Counting Symmetric Closed Curves On the Sphere With Three Disks Removed (presented at YMC 18)  Summer Math Scholarship

Andreas Stamatakis
Boris Kishinevsky
Daniel Bhatti
Hubert Puszklewicz
Jenna Lin
Joshua Meyers
Justin Hoffman
Matvey Genkin
Moshe Stein
Onshore Paik
Thomas Kernan
Yakov Landau
Kevin Gmelin
Zachary Neiger
Joseph Hoefenkrieg
2016 MAT 402 Seminar in Mathematics

MAT 517 Technology in Math Education

MAT 515 Geometry for teachers

Matvey Genkin: Configuration of closed geodesics on surfaces

Nancy Hong: The length of the shortest geodesic with two self-intersection points.

Boris Kishinevsky - Counting mapping class group orbits of closed curves in the four punctured sphere

Minh Nguyen
: Ideals in the Goldman Lie algebra

Joe Suk - Counting mapping class group orbits of closed curves in the punctured torus.

Will Vickery: Patterns in word-length and self-intersection number on free homotopy classes of curves in the pair of pants

Yili Zhang: Statistics relating self-intersection number and geometric length of geodesics in the pair of pants
Nancy Hong
Joe Suk
Will Vickery
Boris Kishinevsky
Christian Stamos
Joshua Meyers
Matvey Genkin
Minh Nguyen
Yili Zhang
MAT 312 Applied Algebra (in the Summer)
MAT 539 Algebraic Topology
(reduced teaching for workshop)
Sacha Caron - Descriptions for Free Homotopy Classes of Paths on Surfaces with Negative Euler Characteristic Joe Suk
Will Vickery
Christian Stamos
2014 MAT 517/MAE 330 Technology in Math Education MAT132 Coordinator

MAT 511
Daniel Levine: Self-intersection and length equivalence

Shuyuan Tang: Statistics of intersection of curves on surfaces

Shalin Pare
Daniel Levine
Ivan Chio
Josehp Bak
Jamie Handler
Abraham Rabinowitz
Brian Levy
Leo Herr
Sacha Caron
Shalin Parekh
Xiao Zheng

MAT 645 Hyperbolic Geometry

MAT 515 Geometry for Teachers 

MAT 211 Linear Algebra  Coordinator

Zhi Li: Bounds in the Hausdorff dimension of the limit sets of the pair of pants

Daniel Levine
Shalin Pare
Shuyuan Tang
Ivan Chio
Christopher Salvi
(from Lycee Louis le Grand)
Justin Dury-Agri (Bowdoin College)

2012 MAT 667 String Topology
MAT 364 Topology and Geometry

MAT 539 Fall 2012

Zhi Li
Kevin McBride
2011 MAT132 Spring 2011 Coordinator MAT 539 Fall 2011
MAT 598 Fall 2011
Bangrui Chen: Surface symbols

Luan Qi: Fricke polynomials and intersections of curves.
Bangrui Chen
Luan Qi
Desai Cheng
Eric Cooper
Ignas Namas
Michael Gartner

2010 MAT331 Spring 2010

MAT118 Spring 2010 Coordinator
MAT 530

Robert Castellanos: Configuration of curves on surfaces

Anand Chandran: Investigations on the word length of the Thurston curve

Keren Li: Experiments Suggesting That the Distribution of the Hyperbolic Length of Closed Geodesics Sampling by Word Length Is Gaussian

Ren Yi: Investigations on the word length of the Thurston curve

Jingyu Zhao: Self-intersection of multicurves.

Ren Yi
Jingyou Zhao
Keren Li
Robert Castellanos
Anand Chandran
Ken Ascher

2009 MAT 331, Spring 2009

WSE 187, Spring 2009, Session 1
MAT 211 Margaret Brown. Statistics of word-length and self-intersection of curves on surfaces

2008 WSE 187 MAT 331 Fall 08 Chris Arettines A combinatorial algorithm for visualizing representatives with minimal self-intersection

2007 MAT360 Spring 2007

WSE 187
MAT 360, Fall 2007

2006 MAT331 spring 2006 MAT132 fall 2006 Coord

2005 MAT 331 spring 2005

WSE 187 spring 2005
MAT331 fall 2005 Blackboard

2004 WSE 187 spring 2004 MAT 331 fall 2004


2002 WSE 187 spring 2002 MAT123 fall 2002

WISE 287