MAT 141 - Honors Calculus I

The axiomatic definition of the real numbers is discussed in the following books:
  • Ohmer & Aucoin, College Algebra
  • Belding & Mitchell, Foundations of Analysis
Both of these books are on reserve in the Math / Physics library.

MIT Lecture Notes
Apostol's book is also used to teach calculus at MIT. Professor Munkres has written a series of lecture notes for that course. Although our course is different than theirs, his notes might be useful. They are available online through the MIT Open Courseware project.

Math Club
Students with an interest in (or curiosity about) mathematics should consider joining Stony Brook's Math Club. They meet every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm in room P-131 of the math building. More information about the club is available on their website.

Putnam Competition
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is a national competition that tests original thinking and creativity in mathematics. Stony Brook participates every year. There are cash awards for individual and team accomplishment. Anyone who is interested should contact the faculty sponsor, Professor Sawon.