MAT 127 Syllabus

Fall  2002

SUNY at Stony Brook
Department of Mathematics
SUNY at Stony Brook

This course is the third semester of the three-semester calculus sequence MAT 125, 126 and 127. We will study differential equations, sequences and series, power series and their applications.. We will heavily rely on the material covered in MAT 125 and 126 and you are supposed to review the basic topics there.

Lectures: New material is presented each week in the lectures.  You should read the corresponding section of the text before attending each lecture.

Homework: Problem solving is an essential part of the course. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with other students. However, each student must write up the homework individually, in his/her words rather than merely copying someone else's. You will be required to turn in your homework assignment in the first class meeting following the week it was assigned. For example, the problems for the week 9/9-9/15 are due on Monday, September 16 for Section 1 and on Tuesday, September 17 for Section 2. Late homework will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Technology: Your textbook includes a CD-ROM which, like an electronic tutor, will try to offer helpful hints to guide you through those homework problems for which the problem number appears in a red box. Unfortunately, this CD will only run on Windows machines; and in any case, its use is strictly optional. Students may also occasionally find it helpful to use a graphing calculator when reading the text or doing homework; the TI82 is a standard, recommended choice. Please note, however, that the use of calculators will not be permitted during the exams! Be sure that you are using your computer and/or calculator simply as a learning tool, and not as a crutch. Try doing your homework without these forms of assistance whenever you can.

Examinations: There will be two evening midterm tests, on Wednesday, October 9 and on Thursday, November 7; both exams will be held from from 8:30 to 10:00 PM. The final exam will be on Monday, December 16 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. Make sure that you you are available at these times, as there will be no make-ups for missed mid-term exams. Calculators, books, notes, etc. are not allowed during exams. If you miss an exam for an acceptable reason and provide me with an acceptable written excuse, the relevant mid-term will be `dropped' in computing your course grade. A letter stating that you were seen by a doctor or other medical personnel is not an acceptable document. An acceptable document should state that it was reasonable/proper  for you to seek medical attention and was medically necessary for you to miss the exam (the note/letter need not state anything beyond this point). Incomplete grade will be granted only if documented circumstances beyond your control prevent you from taking the final exam. You must have ID to be admitted to exams.

Grading: your course grade will be based on your examination performance and homework, weighted as follows:

Midterm I 20%
Midterm II 20% 
 Final Exam 40%
 Homework  20%

Help: The Math Learning Center (MLC) is in Physics A-127. This is a place where students can go for help with pre-calculus and calculus material and where study groups can meet. The MLC is open 10 am-9pm Monday through Wednesday,   10am-6pm Thursday and 10am-2pm on Friday.

DSS advisory: If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that could adversely affect your ability to carry out assigned course work, we urge you to contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), Room 133 Humanities, 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your situation and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of disability is confidential.

Schedule (tentative): The following is the basic syllabus, but not all topics in each section will get covered. Please read the relevant parts of the book before class.

Week Topic Notes Homework
9/1-9/7 Modeling with differential equations   7.1: 1,3,5,6,9,12
9/8-9/14 Line fields/Euler's method   7.2: 1,3,5,18,22
9/15-9/21 Separable equations   7.3: 1-4,6,9,11,15,30,34-35
9/22-9/28 Exponential growth and decay   7.4: 1,2,9,10,14,18,20
9/29-10/5 The logistic equation   7.5: 3,6,7, 9
10/6-10/12 Predator-prey systems Midterm I, Wednesday, 8:30-10:00 pm 7.6: 1,3,4
10/13-10/19 Sequences   8.1: 3-6, 9-14,17,24,38-40 
10/20-10/26 Series   8.2: 4, 9, 11-20, 30, 43 
10/27-11/2 Convergence tests   8.3: 1-3, 11-20, 8.4: 3-5 
11/3-11/9  More convergence tests; Power series Midterm II, Thursday, 8:30-10:00 pm 8.4: 7-8, 12-13, 23-26, 29 
11/10-11/16 Power series, representing functions as power series   8.5: 3,5,7.8,10-12, 8.6: 7-11, 13,14
11/17-11/23 Taylor and Maclaurin series   8.7: 1,9-11, 17-20
11/24-11/30 Taylor and Maclaurin, series cont.   8.7: 35-36,39-41
12/1-12/7 Power series and ODEs    8.10: 1-2,4-5
12/8-12/14 Review    
12/15-12/21   Final Exam Monday, 2:00-4:30 pm