Papers and Preprints

Jason Starr,

Here is a list of some of my papers and preprints, in roughly reverse chronological order. These versions differ slightly from the published versions and the versions on the arXiv. When available, there is a link to the arXiv and MathSciNet.

34. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Semi-stable locus of a group compactification X. He, J. Starr. 9 pages.
33. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Brauer groups and Galois cohomology of function fields of varieties J. Starr. 95 pages.
  • Notes for a minicourse presented at IMPA, August 2008. These notes are basically the same as Items 30 and 31 below.
    32. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Rational points of rationally connected and rationally simply connected varieties J. Starr. 57 pages.
  • Notes for a SMF workshop in Strasbourg, May 2008 based on joint work with A. J. de Jong and Xuhua He.
    31. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Arithmetic over function fields J. Starr. 44 pages.
  • Version as of March, 2008.
    30. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] A local-global principle for weak approximation on varieties over function fields. M. Roth, J. Starr. 20 pages.
  • Complete first version as of January 2008.
          [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Weak approximation and R-equivalence over function fields M. Roth, J. Starr. 20 pages.
  • Working draft, incomplete and under revision as of August 2009.
    29. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Restriction of sections for families of Abelian varieties Tom Graber, J. Starr. 24 pages.
  • Version as of January, 2007. Currently under revision.
    28. [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Low degree complete intersections are rationally simply connected A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 74 pages.
  • Version as of Oct. 31, 2006. Currently under revision.
    27. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Fano varieties and linear sections of hypersurfaces J. Starr. 8 pages.
    26. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Divisors on the space of maps to Grassmannians I. Coskun, J. Starr. 18 pages.
    25. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Degenerations of rationally connected varieties and PAC fields J. Starr. 5 pages.
    24. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Higher Fano manifolds and rational surfaces A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 7 pages.
    23. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Artin's axioms, composition and moduli spaces J. Starr. 19 pages.
    22. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Rational surfaces in index-one Fano hypersurfaces R. Beheshti, J. Starr. 17 pages.
    21. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Very twisting families of pointed lines on Grassmannians A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 13 pages.
    20. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] The effective cone of the Kontsevich moduli space I. Coskun, Joe Harris, J. Starr. 12 pages.
    19. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] The ample cone of the Kontsevich moduli space I. Coskun, Joe Harris, J. Starr. 14 pages.
    18. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] A fact about linear spaces on hypersurfaces, Appendix to an article of Browning and Heath-Brown J. Starr. 3 pages.
    17. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] A note on Fano manifolds whose second Chern character is positive A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 11 pages.
    16. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Divisor classes and the virtual canonical bundle for genus 0 maps A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 16 pages.
    15. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Hypersurfaces of low degree are rationally simply-connected J. Starr. 35 pages.
    14. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] The maximal free rational quotient J. Starr. 8 pages.
    13. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Global sections of some vector bundles on Kontsevich moduli spaces J. Starr. 11 pages.
    12. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] The Kodaira dimension of spaces of rational curves on low degree hypersurfaces. Jason Starr. 56 pages.
    11. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] A pencil of Enriques surfaces of index one with no section J. Starr. 8 pages.
    10. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Cubic fourfolds and spaces of rational curves A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 32 pages.
    09. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Quot Functors for Deligne-Mumford Stacks. Martin Olsson, Jason Starr. 20 pages. [PDF]
    08. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Rational connectivity and sections of families over curves. T. Graber, J. Harris, B. Mazur, J. Starr. 21 pages. [PDF]
    07. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Every rationally connected variety over the function field of a curve . . . A. J. de Jong, J. Starr. 10 pages. [PDF]
    06. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] A note on Hurwitz schemes of covers of a positive genus curve. Tom Graber, Joe Harris, Jason Starr. 15 pages.
    05. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Families of rationally connected varieties. Tom Graber, Joe Harris, Jason Starr. 21 pages. [PDF]
    04. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Rational curves on hypersurfaces of low degree, II. Joe Harris, Jason Starr. 58 pages. [PDF]
    03. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Rational curves on hypersurfaces of low degree. Joe Harris, Mike Roth, Jason Starr. 41 pages.
    02. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Abel-Jacobi maps associated to smooth cubic threefolds. Joe Harris, Mike Roth, Jason Starr. 26 pages.
    01. [PS] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] [PDF] Curves of small degree on cubic threefolds. Joe Harris, Mike Roth, Jason Starr. 38 pages. [PDF]

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    Jason Starr
    4-108 Math Tower
    Department of Mathematics
    Stony Brook University
    Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
    Phone: 631-632-8270
    Fax: 631-632-7631
    Jason Starr