September 2004

Congratulations to Bryant Wong, who came up with the best approximation. His solution is posted here.
This month's problem is to come up with an algebraic expression which approximates the value of

Your expression

For example, the expression
(4+5) * 7 * 2 * 6 / ( (1+9) * 8 * 3) = 63/20 = 3.15
is a valid approximation (although better ones exist). However,
(816 - 794) / (2 * 5 - 3) = 22/7 = 3.1428...
is not allowed since "concatenating" the numbers 8,1,6 to form 816 is not a legitmate operation.

Whoever comes up with the expression that best approximates Pi will win. In case of a tie, the winner will be the first one submitted.

Submit your solution to the Mathematics Undergraduate Office (Math P-142) or electronically to Prof. Kudzin at by the due date. Acceptable electronic formats are: PDF, Postscript, DVI, (La)TeX, or just plain text. Please include your name and phone number, or preferably your email address.

Closing date: October 1st at 12 pm.