# randomly generate a collection of points which are near either # line_pts() - a line with randomly chosen slope and intercept # bad_line_pts() - a line with random slope and intercept, with outliers # quadratic_pts() - a quadratic with randomly chosen coefficients # cubic_pts() - a cubic with randomly chosen coefficients # circle_pts() - a circle with randomly chosen center and radius. # example: # plot(line_pts(), style = point, axes = boxed); # # the data points are chosen from an appropriate uniform distribution, # and the "noise" added is from a normal(0,1/2) distribution. # The randomization seed depends on the system clock. ########## # uses the globals points_wanted and myrand(a,b) ########## # Seed:=randomize(): with(stats): # myrand := (a,b) -> evalf(a+(b-a)*(rand()/10^12)): points_wanted := 21: # line_pts:= proc() local fuzz, m, b, x,i; m:= myrand(-5,5); b:= myrand(-20,20); fuzz := [ random[normald[0,0.5]](points_wanted)]; x := [ random[uniform[-10,10]](points_wanted)]; RETURN( [ [x[i], m*x[i]+b+fuzz[i]] $i=1..points_wanted]); end: bad_line_pts:= proc() local fuzz, m, b, x,i; m:= myrand(0.3,3); if (myrand(-10,10) < 0) then m:= m*(-1) fi; b:= myrand(-20,20); fuzz := [ random[normald[0 ,0.5]](2*points_wanted), random[uniform[ 3, 10]](4), random[uniform[-10, -3]](4)]; x := [ random[uniform[-10,10]](2*points_wanted), random[uniform[-10,-5]](4), random[uniform[ 5,10]](4)]; x[2*points_wanted+8]:=9; fuzz[2*points_wanted+8]:=200; RETURN( [ [x[i], m*x[i]+b+fuzz[i]] $i=1..2*points_wanted+8]); end: quadratic_pts := proc() local fuzz, a, b, c,s, x,i; a:= myrand(-5,5); b:= myrand(-5,5); c:= myrand(-10,10); if (myrand(-10,10) > 0) then s:=1 else s:=-1 fi; fuzz := [ random[normald[0,0.5]](points_wanted)]; x := [ random[uniform[-5,5]](points_wanted)]; RETURN( [ [x[i], s*(x[i] - a)*(x[i]-b)+c+fuzz[i]] $i=1..points_wanted]); end: cubic_pts := proc() local fuzz, a, b, c, d,s,x,i; a:= myrand(-3,3); b:= myrand(-3,3); c:= myrand(-3,3); d:= myrand(-10,10); if (myrand(-10,10) > 0) then s:=1 else s:=-1 fi; fuzz := [ random[normald[0,0.5]](points_wanted)]; x := [ random[uniform[-3,3]](points_wanted)]; RETURN( [ [x[i], s*(a-x[i])*(b-x[i])*(c-x[i])+d+fuzz[i]] $i=1..points_wanted]); end: circle_pts := proc() local dat, i, rad, rads, angles, a, b; rad := myrand(3,10); a := myrand(-10,10); b:= myrand(-10,10); rads := [ random[normald[rad,rad/50]](points_wanted)]; angles := [ random[uniform[0,2*Pi]](points_wanted) ]; RETURN ( [ [a+rads[i]*cos(angles[i]), b+rads[i]*sin(angles[i])] $ i=1..points_wanted ]): end: printf(`defined line_pts(), bad_line_pts(), quadratic_pts(), cubic_pts(), and circle_pts()`):