MAT 126 Syllabus and Homework Assignments

Spring 2007

SUNY at Stony Brook

Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University

This course is the second semester of the three-semester calculus sequence MAT 125, 126 and 127. We will study integration. We will often use the theory of differentiation, which was covered in MAT 125, and also trigonometry.  You are supposed to know the basics  in Appendices A,B,C and F. The knowledge of the basic properties of the exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, summarized in reference pages 1-3, is a must.

Prerequisites: A grade C or higher in MAT 124 or 125 or 131 or 141; or level 6 on the Mathematics Placement Examination. This exam will be given on several dates in the beginning of the semester. Check the Math Undergraduate Office (P-144 Math Tower, phone 2-8250) for times and places.

Lectures and Recitations: New material is presented each week in lectures. Recitations each week give you a chance to review, in a smaller class, material from the week before. This includes going over difficult parts of assigned homework as well as additional exercises. Recitation leaders can give valuable feedback to the lecturer. Try to make sure your recitation leader knows who you are!

Homework: Problem solving is an essential part of the course and you will be required to do the homework assignments. You are encouraged to work on homework together with friends. However, it does not make any sense to copy solutions from friends or from the solution manual. Those who do this will only be cheating themselves, since in no way they can learn the material and do well on the exams. The homework assigned to a given week is due the following weekduring your recitation session; you can also bring it to the office of your TA during this week. Late homework will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Quizzes:  Quizzes will be given twice a month during recitation.

Examinations: There will be two evening midterm tests, on Monday, February 19, and on Tuesday, March 20; both exams will be held from from 8:30 to 10:00 PM. The final exam will be on Friday, May 11 from 11:00 to 1:30 pm. Make certain that you will be available at these times, as there will be no make-ups for missed mid-term exams. Calculators, books, notes, etc. are not allowed during exams. If you miss an exam for an acceptable reason and provide me with an acceptable written excuse, the relevant mid-term will be `dropped' in computing your curse grade. A letter stating that you were seen by a doctor or other medical personnel is not an acceptable document. An acceptable document should state that it was reasonable/proper  for you to seek medical attention and was medically necessary for you to miss the exam (for privacy reasons the note/letter need not state anything beyond this point). Incomplete grade will be granted only if documented circumstances beyond your control prevent you from completing 50% or more of all class assignments.

Grading. Your course grade will be based on your examination performance, homework and quizzes, weighted as follows:

Midterm I 20%
Midterm II 25% 
Final Exam 35%
Homework and Quizzes 20%

Math Learning Center: The Math Learning Center (MLC), located in Room S-240-A in the Mathematics Building, is an important resource. It is staffed most days and some evenings by mathematics tutors (professors and advanced students); your recitation instructor will hold at least one office hour there. For more information, contact the MLC web site

Course description & Homework assignments:

New material will be presented every week during lectures. You should read the corresponding section of the text before coming to class, according to the following week-by-week list of reading and homework assignments. Please review this list on a regular basis for possible changes and updates.

Week Section
Notes Homework assignments
1/22-1/28 5.1 Areas and Distances
  5.1: 1-5,11,15,17-19
1/29-2/4 5.2 The Definite Integral
  5.2: 2,4,8,12,18,20,28,32,34,42,44
2/5-2/11 3.1-3.5, 3.7, 4.9 Review of Derivatives   3.1: 20,24; 3.2: 4,12,20; 3.4: 8,10; 3.5: 10,14,16,22;3.7: 6,12; 4.9: 4,8,10,13,16
2/12-2/18 5.3 Evaluating Definite Integrals   5.3: 4,10,14,18,20, 28,45,48,50,52,60
2/19-2/25 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Midterm I, Mon 2/19, 8:30-10:00 pm 5.4: 2,4,6,8,10,12, 16,22
2/26-3/4 5.5 The Substitution Rule   5.5: 2,4,6,8,10,14,16,22,24,30,34,40,44,48,52,64.
3/5-3/11 5.6 Integration by Parts   5.6: 4,8,10,14,18,22,26,28,34,36,40,44
3/12-3/18 5.7 Additional Techniques of Integration
5.9 Approximate Integration
Examples 1-4 only 5.7: 2,8,10,18,28;5.9: 2,18
3/19-3/25 5.9 Approximate Integration, cont.
Midterm II, Tue 3/20, 8:30-10:00 pm 5.9: 6,8,20,28
3/26-4/1 5.10 Improper Integrals   5.10: 8,14,20,22,24,26,28, 32,42,44,46
4/2-4/8 Spring Recess    
4/9-4/15  6.1 More on Areas
6.2 Volumes
No parametric curves
in 6,10,16 there is no need to draw a typical approximating rectangle
6.1: 2,4,6,10,16,40; 6.2: 2,4,6,10,12.
4/16-4/22 6.2 Volumes, cont.   6.2: 28,30,32,46,50
4/23-4/29 6.3 Arc Length
6.4 Average Value of a Function
  6.3: 3,5,7,8,9; 6.4: 1,2,4,6,10
4/30-5/4 6.5 Applications to Physics and Engineering
Examples 1-4 only
Classes end 5/5
Final Exam Fri 5/11, 11:00am-1:30 pm